The coalition negotiations have come to an end and Green Left, D66, PvdA and CU have presented a decent coalition deal. We are a bit disappointed that the coalition parties did not include Connect Wageningen, Stadspartij, VVD, CDA and SP in this process. We find it important that everyone’s interests are represented and want to do this together. We do compliment the coalition parties in prioritising several topics. For example, ‘food’; at this moment the municipality does not have any policies, while food production is greatly related to our climate problems. Besides, healthy nutrition is fundamental in having a healthy society. Thus it is very important! The topic “circular economy” is also a strong priority. In order to take our responsibility in climate change we need to look at production chains from a different perspective. If, in addition, we can succeed in making Wageningen a frontrunner in circular economy then we strengthen our competitive position and create more chances for Wageningen entrepreneurs. Moreover, an enhanced competitive position allow for investments in the social safety net and for expansions in culture and sports offerings possible.
It is surprising that the topics of food and the circular economy hardly occur in the election programs of the coalition parties, but are present in Connect Wageningen’sprogram We are excited that several of our core ideas have made it into the coalition’s program.