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Do you want to chip in for the renovation of the church?

We have been participating in the city council for three months so far. Since almost all of our people are new to this, we have learnt a lot about the political system of Wageningen. Last weekend a council weekend was organized, wherein council members learned a little more about each other while also enjoying a beer. For example, have you ever seen a picture of Rien Bor with long hair? He was handsome! What is important to realise as a council member, is that our council members are also just inhabitants of Wageningen, and that we should always consult with our constituents.For example, next week we are talking about the church located on the market square. Should we invest €50.000,- to renovate the church at the market? The municipality’s money is actually also that of the inhabitants, and thus we think that you should all have a say in this. And you need not be religious to know that the central location of the church is also symbolic for the center of the city where everybody should be welcomed. If you had €50.000,- to spend for the city, what would you do with it? What do you want to happen with the church? We are going to go look for people over his, but if in the meantime you have an opinion please do not hesitate to send a mail to