On Wednesday, March 21st, Wageningen will hold city council elections. The city council is the highest governing body of the municipality and is elected by residents. The city council in Wageningen consists of 25 elected members. As an international, if you are registered in Wageningen and hold an EU passport, you are eligible to vote. Not sure if you are allowed to vote, take the test at www.canivote.nl
What is in the envelope:
- A voting pass for city council elections
- A list of electable candidates of all the political parties
Voting pass
Have you received a voting pass (figure below) but have no idea what to do with it or how to cast your vote? Continue reading!

Here is a translation of the front side of the voting pass. First make sure it has your name and address noted on it.
During what time can you cast your vote?
You can vote from 7.30 until 21.00
Where can you vote?
With this voting pass you can vote at all voting stations in Wageningen
Voting station near you
(An address is shown here and is dependent on your location)
Where can you find more information about other voting stations?
Stad Wageningen
When going to vote make sure you take with you:
- The voting pass
- Your passport, ID card or driving licence from The Netherlands or another EU country. The validity of this document may be expired by a maximum of 5 years at the moment of voting (21st of March). You may also take your proof of residency.
Strictly Personal!
This voting pass is only valid for the addressed person. This voting pass is your proof that you are eligible to vote ans is only valid if your name and address are printed on it. Misuse of this personal voting pass is punishable by law.

Translation of the backside of the voting pass (above picture):
Loss or damage of your voting pass
If you lose your voting pass or if it becomes damaged before 21st of March, you can personally ask for a new voting pass at the municipality. This can be done in writing until Friday 16th of March 2018 or at the information desk at the municipality until Tuesday 20th of March, 12.00 o'clock.
To be able to vote you need a proof of identity
A valid proof of identity is a paspoort, id card or driving licence from The Netherlands or another EU country. The validity of this document may be expired by a maximum of 5 years at the moment of voting (21st of March). On these documents it must say “valid until” 22 March 2013 or a later date. You may also identify yourself with a proof of residency. This document may not be expired.
Do not have a proof of identity?
Ask for a proof of identity with your municipality in time. If you are unable to do this, ask another voter to cast your vote for you. This can be done with a written authorization. You can ask this at the municipality. Make sure that your application is received by the municipality on 16 March 2018 the latest.
Not in Wageningen or unable to vote due to other circumstances but would still like to cast your vote?
Fill in the authorization form on the right (see picture above) and give this, including a copy of your ID, to the person that will cast your vote for you. See instructions in the picture above.
What to do on March, 21st, election day
On March 21st, you can go to one of the voting stations. Don't forget to bring your voting pass and an ID. At the voting station, you will give your voting pass and show your ID, in return you will receive a voting sheet. Here you will find all the political parties with their candidates. A similar list that you have received already. Except this time it has checkboxes in front of the electable candidates. Color in the checkbox next to the name of the person you would like to vote for. Then, put it in the box where all votes are collected and you're done!
Results of the elections will be made available on the same evening around midnight although the exact time may be subject to change.
Need more help or have other questions? Contact us at info@connectwageningen.nl and we're more than happy to help!