The AID has started! Welcome to all new 'Wageningers'. We a are a local political party by youth, students and internationals. We have two seats in the city council and are working on the improvement of Wageningen in all sectors: sustainability, social inclusivity, better public transport and affordable housing. And so on, and so on.
Especially important for newcomers is the fact that we are working on on a welcoming package for every new Wageninger. In the first place to let everybody feel welcomed and in the second place too make sure that everybody registers. This is important as the cashflow of the city is dependent on the amount of civillians registered. If a large group doesn't register, definitely a largbe chuck of the city's finances is missing.
Furthermore we are working with the associations and clubs to let them switch to a more sustainable bank as conservative banks use their money for less sustainable and honorable purposes. In addition, we work with Veste to investigate how big period poverty is in Wageningen and what the municipality can do to help. Do you think these subjects interesting and want to give your input? Let us know.